Dear Happiness Seeker,
I am so happy to invite you to an event that is ALL ABOUT JOY! The energy of this event is fiercely happy! It starts March 20!
I will be on the summit on MARCH 26TH, be sure to sign up now so you don’t miss anything!
Join me on the 2015 Happiness Telesummit with superstars including Marci Shimoff, bestselling author of “Happy for No Reason,” and more! The interviews are inspirational, uplifting, and you can listen on video or by audio.
We are activating energy, happiness, freedom, choice, and all that awakens awareness of the YOU that you truly be. We will be clearing old doubt, fear and judgment. Body, money, relationship – anyplace you’ve been holding on to old tapes and old fears you may find yourself suddenly able to release that and shift into the true spirit, love, kindness, joy, and happiness that is your birthright.
It does not cost anything to listen to the Happiness Telesummit!
Choose happiness with us each day from Friday, March 20 – the International Day of Happiness -- through April 2, as the line-up of speakers will spark that breath of happiness that is asking for MORE of everything in your life!
To your Happiness!